Psychic World with John Sutton - Wednesdays 8 PM Pacific 11 PM EasternWhat dreams may come Are you seeking guidance Do you doubt life Psychic World is where paranormal mysteries, supernatural and psychic phenomena are decoded by one of Britain's top psychic-mediums and clairvoyants John G. Sutton. Precognitive visions, dreams, voices from beyond the veil, ghosts, spirits, elemental beings and most importantly your fate and fortune are seen. The incredible psychic John G. Sutton is your host ...
John G. Sutton and Countess Starella - Famous Ghosts
24/12/2014The world of showbiz is full of stories of haunted theatres, spooky film lots and ghosts of famous actors and actresses. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella have been working in the world of entertainment for many decades and in this show will be discussing the famous ghosts they have encountered. John was presenting a show at The London Palladium in England when, as he walked onto that huge stage he encountered a spirit he recognized as the ghost of Johnny Ray. Countess Starella has met and worked with many top rated film stars and twice met Vincent Price, the first time he was alive in Hollywood, the second he appeared by her side as she was preparing a lobster, you see Vincent Price was a gourmet chef and he had returned to help the Countess cook the lobster. You will be amazed at some John and Starella's true stories of famous ghosts and, best of all, you can call in a talk to them direct. John and Starella that is.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella: The Power of Poetry
25/11/2014There is perhaps one subject that most poets at some time attempt to capture in the essence of a poem and that subject is love. William Shakespeare the great British dramatist wrote numerous sonnets that touch upon the meaning of love and how it overcomes all obstacles, including time. Consider Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, thou art more temperate and more lovely etc. In those few lines Shakespeare is comparing physical beauty to the glories of nature. As a test of his prowess as a poet consider this, the love sonnets of William Shakespeare are popular to this day so they obviously did what he intended, capturing the message that love is eternal. John G Sutton is a published poet and will be discussing the power of poetry to encapsulate the otherwise intangible emotion that we call love. John will be taking your calls and invites you to talk to him about poetry, love or any aspect of your life that he may be able to help you with using his personal psychic power of clairvoyance.
Psychic World of Clairvoyant Visions with Co-host and Psychic John G. Sutton
14/10/2014Clairvoyant visions show images of not only the past and present but also of the future. John G. Sutton has been a professional psychic consultant for over two decades during which time he has helped tens of thousands of people to plan their lives with the aid of his amazing clairvoyance. Regular listeners to TTR will have heard John's astounding broadcasting and his positively astounding powers of paranormal perception. Call-in and speak directly to John G. Sutton one of Great Britain's most respected psychic mediums and an internationally published best-selling author.
Psychic World with Co-host and Psychic-Medium John G. Sutton
25/09/2014John G. Sutton one of Britain's most respected psychic mediums joins Dr. Pat Baccili to discuss his career as an author and writer of numerous best selling books and 22 years as the feature editor of the newspaper Psychic World. John's book 'Psychic Pets' became an international best seller featured by Walt Disney on The Animal Planet channel along with John himself. Scholastic published this title as their book of the month. In the UK John shared the same publishing house Bloomsbury and editor with J K Rowling who at the time was writing her very first Harry Potter novel.
N.D.E. Near Death Experiences with Professional Psychic Jethro Red-Tailed Hawk Smith
11/09/2014Joining John G. Sutton and Countess Starella this week is the highly gifted professional psychic Jethro Red-Tailed Hawk Smith, a part Native American Indian who has an amazing story to tell. Jethro had an incredible Near Death Experience as a child following which he began to 'see visions' and 'hear voices' enabling him to advise and guide his family and friends. Tune-in and listen as Jethro, John, and the Countess discuss the well-documented accounts of Near Death Experiences and what they really mean for us all.
Fairies...Do They Believe in You?
04/09/2014There really are such things as fairies and John G. Sutton has been researching their whereabouts for many years. In the recent past John visited Cottingley Glen in Yorkshire UK with Professor Joe Cooper to investigate the locality famous for being the site where two young girls photographed fairies one hundred years ago. Joe Cooper advised that believing in fairies is an absolute essential part of seeing them and his understanding was that it is also imperative that the fairy folk believe in you. Countess Starella has been conversing with fairies all her life and first encountered them at the bottom of her garden when she was little more than three years of age. So do the fairies believe in you? Listen to John and the Countess to find out.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton - Infinite Possibilities within this Psychic World
03/09/2014Dr. Pat Baccili with John G. Sutton discuss the infinite possibilities existing within this amazing Psychic World that we call Planet Earth. How do psychic consultants communicate with discarnate entities? Can clairvoyants really see the future and if so what does this actually mean for the concept of 'Free Will'. Is destiny fixed and what part does fate play in deciding our future? Join Dr. Pat and John as they explore the many mysteries of this amazing Psychic World.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Radio Days with UK Radio Mastermind John Myers
28/08/2014John Myers is probably the best known UK Radio mastermind having been commissioned by the British Government to write a report on Radio Broadcasting The Myers Report. John also conducted a report for The BBC on their radio stations that resulted in a series of fundamental changes. But it is a little known fact that John Myers was the first commercial radio program controller in the UK to present a Psychic Call in show. Alongside John Myers at that time was John G. Sutton and together they created a new sensation in radio broadcasting. John Myers has written a book about his radio days: TEAM: It's Only Radio. He will be discussing this with Countess Starella and John G. Sutton as this weeks very special guest.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Mystical Music - How Certain Sounds Trigger Emotions
21/08/2014Certain sounds trigger emotions within our minds and with music, especially popular songs, they seem to capture a mystical essence of a magical moment. Think for a second about your first lover and that initial connection as your eyes met then you kissed, is there a song that brings back those happy memories. There is mystery to music that enables us to travel back in time to specific incidents that happened as some certain song or melody played on a radio or record player has captured forever those feelings. John G. Sutton recalls hearing Fats Waller playing 'My Very Good Friend The Milkman' as he was bounced on his father's knee. Countess Starella has an early memory of dancing for her mother to Thaichovsky's 'Sugar Plum Fairy'. You will have a happy memory closely associated with a special piece of music or a song. John and Starella will be discussing the power of music to conjure up the past and will be considering this mystical magic and how you can enrich your life through recognizing your own special s
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Life After Death with Master Minds Dr. Dennis Grega and Michelle Szabo RMT.
21/08/2014Do you believe that at the end of your physical life you will make a transition into another dimension and enjoy a new life after death? This week John G. Sutton and Countess Starella welcome two very special guests Dennis Grega Ph.D and Michelle Szabo RMT who are the masterminds behind an amazing website detailing accounts of the existence of personality after the physical end of life in the corporeal body. This website is and both Dennis and Michelle will be explaining how and why they believe that the information they are gathering is of immense importance to the human race. So do you believe in life after death, tune in to Psychic World and discover the facts.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Spirit Guides - Do You Know the Identity of Your Spirit Guide?
14/08/2014Perhaps you doubt that there are discarnate entities that act as our guardians protecting and guiding us through our earthly lives. John G. Sutton recently had a direct interaction with the spirit guide of a passenger in his car as ghostly hands overtook the wheel directing his vehicle into remote moorland arriving at an ancient ruined hall. When John stopped the car in this strange place his passenger, a 97 year old lady John was looking after, told him that they had just arrived at the final resting place of her long deceased daughter, her ashes were buried by the side of the quiet stream. Countess Starella has encountered numerous spirits that have guided her through life and has always trusted them absolutely. Do listen to this certain to be remarkable show and perhaps call to ask John or Starella if they can tune in to your spirit guide.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Put Your Clairvoyant Communications to the Test with Taylor Brearley
07/08/2014Many psychics state that they receive their information or messages by clairvoyance, so what exactly is a clairvoyant communication? Countess Starella along with her very special guest Taylor Brearley will be discussing how they use their own clairvoyant powers and offering all who call in to the show an opportunity to put them to the test. Starella has been a full time professional clairvoyant for over three decades she has what she describes as clear vision. Taylor Brearley was born with the incredible ability to foresee the future and startled his parents and school friends with his astounding predictions. Do call in and discover what a clairvoyant communication may mean for you.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-host Countess Starella: Megalithic Monuments - Numerous Theories Regarding Purpose of These Man-Made Creations
31/07/2014Standing Stones often in circles daring back thousands of years are to be found in many areas of the world the most famous of these is perhaps Stonehenge in England. There are numerous theories as to what the purpose of such man made creations may be, one theory is that these are astronomical calenders used by neolithic man to foretell the seasons. John G. Sutton has visited a number of these stone circles, including Stonehenge and Castlerigg. Countess Starella has visited many standing stones in central Europe during her extensive travels. Join John and Starella as they discuss the mystery of megalithic monuments.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Are You True to Your Star Sign with Astrologer Ray Sette
24/07/2014Ray Sette the famous Astrologer joins John G. Sutton and Countess Starella as they look at the truth of star sign personalities. Is it true that Cancerians are home loving, are those born under the sign of Scorpio really revengeful? You are invited to call in and put your questions to Ray Sette and perhaps discover if your destiny is in the stars. John believes that he is typical of his astrological birth sign, he is theatrical, bombastic and usually in command, so what is John's star sign? You must tune in and find out as Ray Sette offers us all his amazing insights into the positive power of astrological influence.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Spiritual Poetry - The power of poetry to touch our inner emotions is something very special indeed.
21/07/2014For centuries poets have written of love, passion, of life and death in a way that reaches our very souls bringing spiritually illuminating light onto subjects so close to our hearts. John is himself an Internationally published author and he has a belief that when he writes he is guided by discarnate forces from the world beyond. Starella has long believed that when she reads poetry a magical mysterious power enters her mind enabling her to express the intensity of the poets words with feelings beyond any usual capacity. Do call in and discuss your own favorite poem with John and Starella or just ask them a personal question as this show is really all about you.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Telepathy-Can you read people's minds?
17/07/2014The mystery of telepathy has been discussed since time immemorial and yet it remains an unresolved enigma to this day. Ancient aboriginal tribesmen across many continents have not only claimed to be able to transmit and receive telepathic messages, many have given amazing proof. The connection from mind to mind is not scientifically understood, which is hardly too surprising as scientists can not as yet be certain of the physiological location of 'The Mind'. One thing science is certain of, the brain and the mind are not one and the same thing. John G. Sutton has had numerous personal experiences involving telepathy with his wife of many years Mary, she seems always to know exactly when John is thinking of beer and takes what she considers to be appropriate action. Countess Starella is, she says, able to pick up thoughts from complete strangers and some she is frequently not too pleased about. Learn more about Telepathy and do call in to ask John or Starella your personal questions.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Poltergeist The noise in the night that creates mayhem in your home may be a poltergeist.
10/07/2014John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be discussing this strange supernatural phenomena. Over thirty years of investigating the paranormal John and Starella have encountered many noisy ghosts that haunt not just houses but also people. John dealt with a really destructive poltergeist that seriously scared a family in the little seaside town of Blackpool in the UK. That haunting had the family ready to exit their home as weird noises woke them in the night and blasts of freezing cold air blew through closed rooms. Do call in to John and Starella to discuss your own haunting or any other problem you may be dealing with in this frequently difficult thing we call life.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-host Countess Starella: Divination and Predictions - is it Possible to See the Future?
03/07/2014Can Psychics Really See The Future? How is it possible for clairvoyants to receive visions of events that have yet to happen? John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be looking at the way predictions are made, considering the history and veracity of the ancient belief that divination actually works. Since time immemorial mankind has sought to discover the truth of tomorrow with the practice of prognostication dating back to the Delphic Oracle, Egyptian Astrology, Neolitihic Stone Circles and all manner of weird and wonderful ways to enable mankind to peer into the mysteries of what will be. Join John and Starella as they look into the magical mysticism that surrounds their profession. You can call in and ask your personal questions about what dreams may come.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Vanishing People - Do you believe that someone can just simply disappear from the face of planet Earth and totally vanish without trace?
26/06/2014Impossible as it may seem we have a very recent example in Flight MH370 that has now been missing without verifiable trace since 8th March 2014 with 227 passengers and 12 crew. Theories as to where it may be vary from accidental missile hit to abduction by aliens. Throughout history there have been incidences of people both disappearing and appearing in very mysterious circumstances. One notorious area where many planes and ships have simply vanished without trace is the so called 'Bermuda Triangle'. Join John G. Sutton and The Countess Starella as they discuss the incredible instances of vanishing people. And you can make that call to talk to either John or The Countess live on air.
and his Co-Host Countess Starella: Do You Believe in the Power of Magic Spells?
19/06/2014Have you ever considered buying a magic potion or having someone cast a spell for you? Maybe you are seeking love, money or a career opportunity. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella have encountered many people who say they can perform magic and bring good luck into your life if you just pay them to do so. If they are really so good why would they not just magic some extra cash for themselves? You really must listen to John and Starella discussing the mystery of magic spells in this weeks amazing show. Call in and ask your question.

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