John G. Sutton

Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Soulmates and Twin-Flames - Do you believe that there is in this world one true love for you that is your eternal 'soulmate'?



John G. Sutton and the amazing Countess Starella will be looking at the meaning of true love inviting you to call in to discuss this with them. John has been married for almost 44 years and says he found his 'Twin-Flame' lover at the age of twenty though he states that his wife Mary had known he was the one since she first saw him delivering her newspaper when he was just thirteen years of age. Countess Starella met her true love the Russian Count under a mystical, magical moon and says as soon as their eyes met in the moonlight she recognized him as her everlasting soulmate. You can call in and talk direct to John or Starella and ask them to use their developed psychic powers to look at you and your personal love life. Make that call.