John G. Sutton

Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Paranormal Pets - Britain's most respected psychic clairvoyant John G. Sutton and his amazing co-host Countess Starella will be looking at the astounding world of paranormal animal



Dogs and cats that can apparently see the future and take action to protect their owners. Ghost pets that appear and communicate with their former owners just as they did in life. John G. Sutton is the author of the international best selling book Psychic Pets that contains many strange supernatural stories of animals involved in paranormal adventures. Countess Starella has experienced numerous instances of pets returning from the world beyond and she once encountered the ghost of a long gone wolf howling at the moon on the outskirts of Moscow. If you have ever owned and loved a pet and wondered will they be waiting on the other side to welcome you, then you simply must listen in to John G. Sutton and Countess Starella as they discuss Paranormal Pets. You can call in and speak to either John or The Countess direct. Remember this show Psychic World is all about you.