John G. Sutton

Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-Host Countess Starella: Thaumaturlogical Healing or Healing by Unseen Powers



John G. Sutton and his amazing co-host the incredible psychic Countess Starella will this week be looking at Thaumaturlogical Healing. That is healing conducted without recourse to any accepted medical or physical intervention, in other words by mysterious seemingly magical or miraculous means. John himself has been given the astonishing power to help by projecting healing vibrations to those seeking relief from illness. John says that anyone who is sick should seek proper accepted treatment from a certified medical practitioner and always follow the professional advice given. The healing by unseen powers will, he believes, help and it is perfectly harmless as there is no physical contact made. Countess Starella believes that her own healing powers help those in need through a change in their energy field brought about by her brilliant voice. You can call in and speak with John or Starella and ask your questions about healing or any subject that is close to your heart. This show is all about you, your hopes,