Streetwise Hebrew

#323 Laughing Out Loud in Hebrew



There are so many ways to say, “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” in Hebrew. In this episode, we’ll learn a few of them and learn how we write LOL in Hebrew. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lits’hok – To laugh – לצחוק Tsochek mi she-tsochek aharon – He who laughs last, laughs best – צוחק מי שצוחק אחרון Al titschak/titschaki alai – Don’t laugh at me – אל תצחק/תצחקי עליי Litshok al mishehu – To laugh at someone – לצחוק על מישהו Ata tsohek alai? – Are you kidding me? – ?אתה צוחק עליי Listhok im mishehu – To laugh with someone – לצחוק עם מישהו Anachnu tsochakim itcha, lo aleicha – We’re laughing with you, not at you! – אנחנו צוחקים איתך, לא עליך Dai, nu, tsochakim itcha – Come on, I am joking with you – די, נו, צוחקים איתך Ata tits’chak / At titschaki – You’re going to laugh – אתה תצחק, את תצחקי “Kama rachok hayitem muchanim lalechet kedei lehatschik?” – How far would you go in order to make people laugh? – ?כמה רחוק הייתם מוכנים ללכת כדי להצחיק Mi matschik otach kamoni? – Who