Inner Spark Radio

Transform your Life & Unveil Authenticity through Wardrobe with Liana Chaouli!



(This show has been pre-recorded)Listen in as Liana shares why and how we can uplevel our lives and be more authentic through all our choices, including wardrobe ~ and how this has a ripple effect on ourselves and the world.Over the past two decades, Liana Chaouli has developed the theory and practice of Image Therapy®, an educational and therapeutic process today taught worldwide. She is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader, style expert and educator.Ms. Chaouli, provides transformation through the empowerment of wardrobe. She has spent two decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self-image. As the developer of Image Therapy™, she works closely with her clients on their personal and professional presence using analysis, physical appearance, and education to adjust attitudes affecting self-esteem and overall sense of worth. Her clients include Bob Mackie, The Canfield Training Group, IBM, Nordstrom's, Coldwe