Christopher Avery's Responsibility Redefined

Ask Christopher Avery



Questions addressed:1. When I listened to your free session on the internet I was highly impressed. I would like to be guided by your Responsibility Redefined philosophy as a leader. I have been working in a bank as a project manager and sometimes it is very difficult to manage and things go out of control. What are the things that I need to take care of to be a good leader? I appreciate your contribution to this world.2. Why is the Responsibility Process so powerful a discovery? And why is it so challenging to Master?3. My company has a very individualistic culture. Many smart people working hard toward their own goals. But our collective performance is horrible. We shoot ourselves in the foot. How can Responsibility Redefined help our culture? If you could ask me anything about how to live, lead, learn, and succeed by tapping into personal or shared responsibility -- about taking 100% ownership -- what would your specific question be? Ask it at