Streetwise Hebrew

#325 We’re Making Progress!



There’s a fairly new Hebrew slang term out in the wild which means “move on!” We Israelis say, תתקדם! The root קדמ in the binyan hitpael form will be our focus today, as Guy explains what advanced level courses and a mobile app upgrade have to do with קדמ. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mitkadem – Advanced – מתקדם Yoel mesamen she-kedai lehitkadem le’evran – Yoel signals we should start moving towards them – יואל מסמן שכדאי להתקדם לעברן Titkadem, titkadem, ata ro’e oti? Ani ro’e otcha – Keep going, keep going, do you see me? I can see you – תתקדם, תתקדם, אתה רואה אותי? אני רואה אותך Nu, eich ze mitkadem? – So, how is it coming along? – נו, איך זה מתקדם Kurs mitkadem – Advanced- קורס מתקדם Ramat matchilim – Beginner level – רמת מתחילים Rama beinonit – Intermediate level – רמה בינונית Ramat mitkadmim – Advanced level – רמת מתקדמים Hitkadem le-, Titkadem le- – Move to the next stage – התקדם ל-, תתקדם לי Bo’u nitkadem – Let’s continue going forward / Let’s advance to the