Streetwise Hebrew

#324 Are You Vaccinated?



Everyone’s talking about חיסונים, vaccinations, and so will we! Guy uses this trending topic as another opportunity to review the Hebrew verb format combo we all should know by heart: piel-pual-hitpael. To get your weekly dose, just press play! Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Chisun – Vaccine – חיסון Shtei menot chisun – Two vaccine doses – שתי מנות חיסון Mana – Portion, dose – מנה “Ha-choref chashuv Lechasen et ha-yeladim” – This winter it’s important to vaccinate the kids – החורף חשוב לחסן את הילדים Mechasnim et ha-yeladim – Vaccinating the children – מחסנים את הילדים “Amadti be-khol ke’ev mimech” – I’ve withstood all the heartache you’ve caused me – עמדתי בכל כאב ממך “Aval adayin lo mechusan” – But I’m still not immune – אבל עדיין לא מחוסן Saudia hodi’ah hayom – Saudi Arabia announced today – סעודיה הודיעה היום She-te’afsher haga’a le-mecca be-onat ha-hajj – That it will allow the arrival of pilgrims to mecca during the hajj season – ‘שתאפשר הגעה למכה בעונת החג Rak