Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast




John 18:1-11 On this fourth Sunday of Lent, we continue our journey with the book, "40 Days of Decrease." Our current readings in the book of John have brought us to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is arrested. The story paints an amazing scene in which trained, rugged soldiers fall back on the ground at the sound of Jesus' voice. The irony in this account is thick. Jesus is the one arrested, yet we're left with the clear picture that He is firmly in control. He is not forced to go to the cross but goes willingly, having affirmed with the words "I Am He" that He is God in the flesh. John has previously described a number of "I AM" declarations which Jesus willingly embraces and fulfils as He makes His way to the cross. Jesus said... I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:30-35) Those who heard Jesus make this declaration would have known God fed His people miraculously in the desert during the Exodus and that Jesus had very recently miraculously fed a crowd. As God's people were sustained in the wilderness