Streetwise Hebrew

#327 Shall We Meet Earlier?



Believe it or not, we Israelis aren’t always running late. Some of us even tend to arrive ahead of schedule. Yes, you read that right! In Hebrew, we have a special verb which means to arrive ahead of time. Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehakdim – To be early, to show up early – להקדים Lif’amim anachnu makdimim – Sometimes we arrive ahead of time – לפעמים אנחנו מקדימים Efshar ulai lehakdim tipa? Ze beseder im ani akdim tipa? – Is it possible to arrive earlier? – אפשר אולי להקדים טיפה Yesh mashehu yoter mukdam? – Is there something earlier than this? – יש משהו יותר מוקדם Hikdamti tipa – I’m here a bit early – הקדמתי טיפה Ani makdim tipa – I am running a bit early – אני מקדים טיפה Ani akdim tipa – I’ll be a bit early – אני אקדים טיפה Tuchal/tuchli lehakdim tipa? – Would you be able to arrive a bit earlier? – תוכל, תוכלי להקדים טיפה Yesh lecha tor be-eser, ata yachol lehakdim tipa? – You’ve got an appointment for 10am, would you be able to come e