Streetwise Hebrew

#330 Who’s To Blame?



After the terrible tragedy in Har Meron, public calls to find those responsible, האשמים, grow louder. In order to better understand what’s going on in Israeli media, Guy felt it was necessary to cover the word אשמה and its shoresh אשמ. This episode is all about blame, guilt, charges and allegations. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Ani achrai, aval achrayut ein perusha ashma” – I am responsible, but responsibility does not mean blame – אני אחראי, אבל אחריות אין פירושה אשמה Ashma – Blame, fault, charge – אשמה Rigshot ashma – Feelings of guilt – רגשות אשמה Ze be-ashmatech – It’s your fault – זה באשמתך Ha-sar omer she-ze lo be-ashmato – The minister says it’s not his fault – השר אומר שזה לא באשמתו Be-ashmat mi ze – Whose fault is it? – ?באשמת מי זה “Ze lo ashmati!” – It’s not my fault! – זה לא אשמתי Mode ba-ashma – Guilty as charged – מודה באשמה Lehodot ba-ashma – To plead guilty – להודות באשמה “Achra’im, lo ashemim” – Responsible, not guilty – אחראים, לא אשמים Ashem, ash