Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast




In the Psalms, we see God's people look beyond their earthly reality to find renewed perspective in God's true reality. Even from the cross, Jesus quoted twice from the Psalms (Ps. 22:1; 31:5). Many of the Psalms were written out of the experience of great difficulty, expressing deep lament over desperate circumstances. Today, we will look at an example of one such Psalm (Psalm 13) and explore how it invites us to see both honestly about ourselves and then beyond, to see honestly about God. The Psalms invite us to come to God in complete honesty. (vs. 1-4) David's heartfelt cries to God in the midst of his desperation express the truth that... God can handle our honest outbursts and prayers. We need communities of honesty. The Psalms challenge us to focus on God's True Authority (vs. 5-6)