Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 315 - 4 Macro Hacks To Implement Today



Tracking our macros isn’t just about restricting what we’re eating to lose weight. It’s about truly learning how to FUEL.Because no matter what result you want to get, from losing weight to body recomposition to gaining muscle to fueling your endurance sport to even simply feeling more energized throughout the day, the macronutrient ratio you are consuming MATTERS.And by understanding macros, you can better adjust how you fuel over time as your needs and goals change! So here are 4 “hacks” to help you get started dialing in those macros because I know the process can seem overwhelming to start!#1: DON’T START BY CUTTING OUT THE FOODS YOU LOVE#2: “PRACTICE” – BUILD A SOLID THE FOUNDATION#3: STOP GIVING YOURSELF THE EXCUSE THAT TRACKING IS “ANNOYING” OR “RESTRICTIVE.”#4: ACCEPT THERE WILL BE TIMES YOU’RE LESS DEDICATED