Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast




Psalm 16 In the Psalms, we see God's people look beyond their earthly reality to find renewed perspective in God's true reality. On this Mother's Day, we'll look at Psalm 16 and see how the Psalmist looks beneath the surface of our everyday existence and shows how God is the one worthy foundation of our homes, whether we're single, married or parents. The Psalm offers a number of affirmations that raise some significant questions. To affirm that the True God is our Foundation... We affirm that Jesus is Lord (vs. 2-4) David revealed the ultimate emptiness of idols that vie for our allegiance. Current idols in our culture include self, control, stuff, and image. We affirm the Goodness of God's Provision and Instruction (vs. 5-8) God has provided a place in which we are counted among His people and given direction (good boundaries) to guide us in knowing His design for life. We affirm the Blessings that Flow from God (vs. 9-11) These blessings include an unshakeable path marked by joy and eternal hope. Founda