Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 320 - How Long Will It Take To Get Results



I often get asked, "How long did it take you to get to (insert the result I've achieved that they want here)?"My answer is, "My entire life."This isn't meant to be flippant.But it's the honest answer.Sure maybe I "cut" for 6 weeks to get leaner. Or maybe I did a workout progression that built my pull ups over the last 4 weeks....But these things are still based off a foundation that, in a way, I've been creating my entire life.Even if you are the same weight or have the same "strength" as someone else, you can't compare your journey to theirs.There is just so much more to it than just that starting "number" or spot.Because it's even our experiences that make the difference.Someone who's "cut" before knows what it entails, even if they have the same weight to lose as you who has never done it.And maybe they just recently gained the weight while you've had it on for years, putting them in a very different positio