Streetwise Hebrew

#332 Your Time Is Up!



We pick up from where we last left off with the Hebrew root ע.ב.ר. And in this episode, we focus on verbs from binyan paal. Plus, Guy reveals a special mantra to recite when driving through an intersection, just as your traffic light is about to turn red. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Hi lo yodaat ma over alai” – She doesn’t know what I am going through – היא לא יודעת מה עובר עליי Ma over aleicha/alayich, ha-kol beseder? – What’s going on with you, is everything ok? – מה עובר עלייך/עליך “Mi yode’a ma avar alay, ma avar alayich” – Nobody knows what I’ve been going through, what you’ve been going through – מי יודע מה עבר עליי, מה עבר עליך “Nira li over alav mashu” – I think he’s going through hard times – נראה לי עובר עליו משהו Ha-zman over le’at – Time is passing slowly – הזמן עובר לאט Ha-zman over – The time is passing by – הזמן עובר Zmancha avar – Your time has passed – זמנך עבר Ha-zman avar – Time is up – הזמן עבר “Laavor me-android le-iphone” – Move from Android