Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 322 - Stop Lying To Yourself



Feelings aren't data. How we "feel" about what we are doing often isn't the same as the actual data showing what we are doing.And data doesn't lie. It's why it's so key we track our macros and our workouts so we have that impartial data to use to help us tweak and adjust.Because often when we don't have that data? It's easy to lie to ourselves about how things are going.I can't tell you how many times I've had clients say to me, "This ratio doesn't work." when they haven't actually hit the ratio for more than a day in that week.Are they trying to lie to themselves? NOPE!I know because I've done it myself.I've seen it happen personally around the holidays where I even get LAZY with tracking because, subconsciously, I want to excuse or ignore the "deviations."I want to lie to myself even though it isn't consciously what I'm doing.But if we want results?We have to stop going by how we're feeling. We have