Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

We Are Ranting Again!



Hey Fam, Yes, we are ranting again! This show was recorded after the Dallas shooting that took the lives of five officers during the peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. We know that since that time, more police officers have been killed. Our hearts go out to the families of those officers. It is never our desire to see anyone killed. However, we know that there are those who don't want things to quiet down and will do whatever is necessary to keep it up. Now, what are we ranting about? Good question! Life today in these United States of America. Today Donald Trump was nominated as the Republican candidate for President of our country. My advice to all of our listeners is to look over the GOP platform. This is about more than Black Lives Matter ladies and gents. This is about all of us who don't fit the mold. If we get so angry that we do not vote in November, then Donald Trump and his platform is headed to the White House and we will have lost the opportunity to do anything about it. Please don't bury your h