Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

QOTD: Why are black people still Christians?



This episode was recorded the day of the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL. It was very difficult to gather the energy to record this episode. However, we know that we had to. The crying mother that I spoke of did learn that her son was killed and it felt to me like a member of my family was killed. Of course, we did not have all of the information about the shooter that we do now. His behavior does lead one to ask if he was fighting something within pertaining to his sexuality? We have seen why self-hatred can drive people to do as evidenced by politicians and preachers who want to see gays thrown off the face of the earth but it's later revealed that they have been doing the undercover mamba with a man. Good idea for a show. This episode speaks to the issue of religion and in particular why black people still practice Christianity. This question has been brought up on YouTube and was asked of M.T. recently. Thus, the reason for this show. There seems to be a rising tide of folks leaving Christianit