Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

M.T's Back & Artist Spotlight



Yes Fam...M.T. is back! We began our conversation with what our show ended with last week...Mr. Fred Phelps. After reading more of Mark Phelp's blog, I couldn't help but be disturbed by the abuse suffered by the children. It's something that should be read in order to get an understanding of the tortured souls that thrive on torturing others. Of course, once M.T. and I get going, you know we talk about so much more. I am introducing a new segment to our show called the Artist Spotlight. Our first artist is Kim Joyce. We were both introduced to her music a little while ago. She is an impressive lyricst and has a killer voice. We want to introduce our artists to those who may not ever hear of them otherwise. It can be difficult for them to "get on" despite their talent. It is our hope that we can be of some help in the pursuit of their dreams. Please listen and judge for yourself. Also, I did not give the complete title to the song that I played. It is "Timeless Moments." Sorry Kim. The intro and outro is her s