Streetwise Hebrew

#335 Home Cooking And Assisted Goals



The Hebrew word בישול means cooking, but it is also used on the football field and in police investigations. Interesting, right? Bonus: A special Israeli-Berliner way to ask for the bill. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Levashel – To cook – לבשל Ha-yom kulanu nidrashim levashel harbe yoter ba-bayit – Today we all have to cook much more at home – היום כולנו נדרשים לבשל הרבה יותר בבית Ve-be-yichud bishvilchem yatsarnu et mitcham “zman bishulim” be-atar “bishulim” – And just for you we created a page called Zman Bishulim, on the Bishulim website – ובייחוד בשבילכם יצרנו את מתחם “זמן בישולים” באתר בישולים  Atar ha-matsi’a ra’ayonot yichudiyim le-bishul im yeladim – A website which offers unique ideas for cooking with children – אתר המציע רעיונות יחודיים לבישול עם ילדים Bishul – Cooking – בישול Bishulim beitiyim – Home cooking – בישולים ביתיים Ani be-emtsa ha-bishulim – I am in the middle of cooking – אני באמצע הבישולים Sadnat bishul –