Streetwise Hebrew

#336 Let It Simmer



What does the phrase תן לו להתבשל (‘ten lo lehitbashel’) mean? As Guy will explain, we can use the verb להתבשל, which means to let something cook, not only when speaking about vegetables, but also about… people! Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Ke-chol she-tachtechu yoter katan, ze yitbashel yoter maher” – The smaller you cut it, the faster it will cook – ככל שתחתכו יותר קטן, זה יתבשל יותר מהר Marak katom – Orange soup – מרק כתום Ha-yerakot sheli mamash hitbashlu – My vegetables cooked really well – הירקות שלי ממש התבשלו Tnu le-ze lehitbashel al esh ktana – Let it cook on a low flame – תנו לזה להתבשל על אש קטנה “Ten lo lehitbashel” – Let him marinate in his own juices, let him simmer down – תן לו להתבשל “Ani mitbashelt le’at” – I simmer slowly – אני מתבשלת לאט “Eize erev mitbashel po” – What an evening is being cooked up here – איזה ערב מתבשל פה Ha-pri hivshil – The fruit ripened – הפרי הבשיל He’edim – He became red – האדים Hilbin – He became white, turned white – הלבי