Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

How I deal with daily overwhelm: Graceful Transitions



Whenever I am transitioning from one thing to the next, throughout my day, I am practicing graceful transitions. This means that whenever I am moving from one task or meeting/conversation to the next, I am completely letting go of what I just did, and completely focus on the next things I'm about to do. Before I start the next task or leave for to meet up with a friend or whatever I might be doing, I go through the situation in my mind: how I will do this, why I will do it, what I want the result to be. This is not a long process. This is literally 30 seconds to one minute. I visualize myself do this next thing in my mind. I see myself doing it effortlessly, connected to source, connected to my nature, working with diligence, and a smile on my face. And then I get started. Even if it's like, I go out to have a coffee with a friend. I quickly visualize what sort of person I want to show up as. You know, I don't just want to show up without having put any thought behind how I want to leave this person. If I go