Practice Management Nuggets

How To Keep Privacy Awareness Top Of Mind



Recently, I was asked about what privacy awareness training can you do at the clinic to keep privacy awareness top of mind. How do you keep Privacy Awareness top-of-mind in your practice? As an employer and health care provider, you are responsible to provide training to all of your employees about privacy awareness. If you don’t provide the training, if the employees don’t understand the policies and there is a privacy breach, then the healthcare provider is more likely to be held accountable under the legislation and face penalties including fines and even prison! Protect your organization and your patients. Equip your staff with the information they need to confidently and correctly handle personal health information. Healthcare businesses who want employee and supervisor level privacy awareness training to support key policies, procedures and risk management programs need a privacy awareness training program. Here are some easy to implement tips to help you get started with your privacy awareness program.