Diana Prince Wonder Woman Podcast

75 Birthdays: The Secret Origins of Wonder Woman



October 25, 2016 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the release date for All-American Publications' All Star Comics #8, which featured the story "Introducing Wonder Woman" by her creators William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter in her comics debut! In acknowledgement, your regular host Diabolu Frank covers a variety of different interpretations of Princess Diana of Paradise Island's origin stories from Sensation Comics #1 (1942), Wonder Woman #1 (1942), Wonder Woman #23 (1947), Wonder Woman #45 (1951), Wonder Woman #98 (1958), Wonder Woman #105 (1959), DC Special Series #19 (1979), Wonder Woman #1 (1987), and Secret Origins #6 (2014)! To break up all that information dumping and more treat this momentous occasion as a true celebration, we've also enlisted a slew of notable co-anchors to discuss a bunch of fun, accessible topics relevant to new and old fans of the Amazon Princess! Hola!R.S.V.P. AttendeesAngela from Wonder Woman: Warrior for Peace PodcastMatthew from Radio Free Themyscira: A Wonder Woma