Karen Doyle Buckwalter: Attachment Theory In Action

Lori Thomas: The Importance of Therapy for Foster & Adoptive Families - Part 1



Karen Buckwalter welcomes Lori Thomas, MA, for part one of their discussion on the importance of therapy for foster and adoptive families. Lori Thomas is a counselor in residency with Emmaus Family Counseling Center. Thomas is a co-author on The Jonathan Letters with Michael Trout in 2005, and a contributing author on the Attachment Theory in Action: Building Connections Between Children and Parents book in 2018. Both books are available on tkcchaddock.org. Lori works from an attachment-focused perspective. With the understanding that attachment develops in early childhood, and dysfunctional patterns may develop based on early experiences, Lori believes that nurturing healthy attachments is integral to the healing process. This attachment-focused work is especially geared towards counseling children and their parents. Children who have experienced trauma, are in the foster care system, or are adopted are some of her favorite clients. Lori has an extensive history working with children who have experienced t