Constant Procession

214 Constant Procession



Part 14 from the reading of my book Constant Procession From Time Magazine’s pronouncement in 1966 that ‘God is Dead’ to riots across the USA over the Viet Nam War, this assertion by the powers that be about the status of God gives a reminder about the world in the 1960’s. A remembrance that indeed it was a time of great social upheaval. Three years before, in 1963, John F. Kennedy the sitting American President was assassinated. Three days later the assassination of his alleged killer was witnessed live on TV by millions. And their prediction about God was reinforced just one year later by the 1967 “Six Day War” between the countries of Israel and Egypt. This traditional all out war between these surrogate countries of the USSR (Egypt) and USA (Israel) shattered notions of the possibilities of a peaceful world. Collectively these actions of violence became high water marks of an epoch that shook the foundations of Western society to its core. In counter-point to all these actions of man, new reports about ap