Constant Procession

195 Constant Procession



Several great things occurred this past week-From continuing the 50 Day Easter Feast to the Re-Consecration of the US & Canada to enlisting the Virgin Mary’s aid in fighting Corona-19. It’s time to animate the your spirit by going beyond the tried and true definitions of Easter Celebrating being simply a single day… So Celebrate the Gift God has given you! Check for ideas. And also in this podcast: On May 1, 2020, the USA and Canada were Re-Consecrated to ‘Mary, Mother of the Church’ in an effort to seek her help in fighting the Corona-19 blight! Plus: Excerpts from my book Constant Procession from Chapters 21 & 22, Some background on a Re-Consecration of Europe during WW2 (The Great Return) and it's genesis, coming from two apparitions- Fatima and an earlier 636AD apparition sometimes known as 'Our Lady of the Great Return' My website has more information with links, photos, video for this episode at Constant   I value feedback through the comments section on my