Constant Procession

81 Constant Procession



After meeting the Madonna, Ermesinde of Luxembourg created at Clairefontaine a place of remarkable works for helping people in need for 100’s of years, only to be destroyed by those who believe man is greater than God.   Our Lady of Clairefontaine shares the history of the Madonna's visit to Countess (aka Princess) Ermesinde of Luxembourg and the works of charity inspired by this apparition.   Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and what people have done following these apparitions. Additionally these podcasts portray examples of how she serves humanity through Christianity. Each installment runs about 7 minutes in length. The origin of these podcasts began with my book, Constant Procession. I've read the entire book from cover to cover (Installments 1-49.) Installments since Podcast 50 are an extended series of additional stories about the history of the Virgin Mary that are not found in the book. Constant Procession; the podcast; is published ev