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Welcome to Quantum Revenue Expansion | QRE163



This is it, we have finally LAUNCHED!! Welcome to the first show with the new title. I am really excited about the rebrand and taking everything to the next level. Today is a solo show where I share exactly what it is I did the first time I turned my annual income into my monthly income, and talk about how that changed my life. Of course, I am not the only one with a story like this. Join me in the coming months to hear stories from my incredible guests who have also turned their annual income into their monthly income. “Quantum Revenue Expansion” is about just that; expanding your revenue; so listen in and let’s get to creating an expansion in yours. Ursula's Takeaways: We Are Launched (1:00) 2X Intensive (7:28) I Was Leading The Team (12:30) You Have To Believe (19:16) One Foot In & One Foot Out (22:37) About Ursula Mentjes  Ursula Mentjes is an award-winning Entrepreneur and Sales Expert. She will transform the way you think about selling so you can reach your revenue goals with less anxiety a