Double Your Sales Now! | Performance | Selling | Closing Sales | Motivation | Inspiration

EP151: Be The Light! Cultivating Intentional Gratitude To Inspire Others & Build Your Business



Be the Light! Cultivating Intentional Gratitude to Inspire Others & Build Your Business On the Double Your Sales Now podcast, you will discover top resources to selling strategies, powerful tips, and best practices to open your mind and performance to the next level. You can double your sales, too! In this episode, discover how you can inspire others to build their business by cultivating intentional gratitude with Tim Bickett.  Tim’s passion for agriculture started by working on a neighbor’s farm, which led to a degree in animal science and has taken him internationally through work and study. Today, he serves his farmer clients across the US by defining and mitigating weather and market risk to their family farm operations.  Tim and I discuss how appreciating everything you have is one of the most sustainable motivators at work. If you use it with the right intention, it could be contagious and impact the people around you. It’s like a warm feeling that spreads from the heart center throughout the core o