Double Your Sales Now! | Performance | Selling | Closing Sales | Motivation | Inspiration

EP138: The Power of Influence on Your Exponential Sales Results



The Power of Influence on Your Exponential Sales Results On the Double Your Sales Now podcast, you will discover top resources to selling strategies, powerful tips, and best practices to open your mind and performance to the next level. You can double your sales, too! In this episode, you'll learn the power of influence on your exponential sales results. This week, I interviewed Dr. Heather Johnson. Dr. Heather Johnson is a clinical psychologist known for her extraordinary ability to bring out the best in others. As President of both Klassen Performance Group and Klassen Leadership Academy, Heather helps others become more effective and influential in their current roles, prepare for their next role, and get the results they need.  Here are the key areas we covered in this episode:  How emotional intelligence can benefit your business, BIG TIME! Discover why active LISTENING is deemed as the TOP SALES skill. Most people think it's the smooth talkers who make the best salespeople, but in reality, it's th