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EP125: Three Steps to Take Now to Move From Surviving to Thriving



Three Steps to Take Now to Move From Surviving to Thriving In this episode, I talk about three steps to take now to go from surviving to thriving in your business. It’s so important for you to have that mindset right now. The goal of this episode is not to minimize the impact of COVID-19 by any means. Instead, to send love to all those people who have been affected healthwise and financially. And, to send gratitude to all of our first responders, nurses, and doctors helping save a lot of lives.  Part One of ‘Three Steps to Take Now to Move From Surviving to Thriving’ Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a couple of comparisons between who's doing well and who's not. It seems like people are split down the middle like either people have given up or stopped in their businesses or some of them are thriving. But right now, those businesses that had to shut down, who did pivot, are ready to come back and are going to come back with higher revenue. “Pay attention to your thoughts.” — Ursula Mentjes (05