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107: Common Sales Objections and How to Handle Them



Common Sales Objections with Ursula Mentjes “An Objection Is A Buying Signal.”— Ursula Mentjes (08:47-08:49) My goal is to help sales professionals and entrepreneurs understand that selling is a skill. It's a skill that anyone can learn. It's like any other skill that you learn. And once you know it and you're aware of what it takes to sell, then you have that knowledge forever. In this week's episode, Ursula Mentjes talks about common sales objections. Part One of ‘Common Sales Objections’ I sincerely hope that your sales are coming in. If things aren't moving as fast as you'd like, today's the day to shift that. We're going to talk about common sales objections and how to handle them. How do I handle sales objections? I get this question a lot. I’m never pushy. I don't want them to think that I'm being greedy. Surely, we've all been there. We're going to help you shift that. There are strategies to recognize that these common sales objections are buying signals. Let’s talk about some of the most common