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106: Selling the Invisible: Five Steps To Sell What You Cannot See



Selling the Invisible: Five Steps To Sell What You Cannot See  “The truth is if you sell a service, you’re solving a problem for someone.” — Ursula Mentjes (04:21-04:26) Many entrepreneurs are struggling to sell their intangible services. Some are uncertain about what sales strategy they can use. But there's a simple process that makes sales conversations with clients more comfortable. In this week's episode, Ursula Mentjes talks about the five steps to sell your services. She has a sales mindset with real-world strategies to help you get to the next level in your business.   Part One of ‘Selling the Invisible: Four Keys to Selling Services’ Harry Beckwith wrote a book called Selling The Invisible in 1999. He called it in his tagline, "A Field Guide To Modern Marketing." It's about how you can take your service-based business and make it even better than you can imagine. He focused on the quality of the service and how to market that service. However, many business owners are struggling to take their bus