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92: Profitable Partnerships for Growth with Juli Lassow



Today’s guest, Juli Lassow, has mastered the art of establishing fundamental and beneficial retail relationships. After her 17 years of retail with Target, Juli took her experience and founded JHL Solutions. JHL Solutions is a management firm with an expertise in retail which assists large scale businesses in establishing profitable partnerships that allow growth for both parties. In this episode, Juli shares her top strategies to network, how to refine your market and the importance of being open to questions. Join Ursula Mentjes in this exciting conversation on Double Your Sales Now.  Show Highlights:  How Juli got into the world of retail and how she drives partnerships  Limiting beliefs that Juli had to overcome before launching her business  Connecting value to organizations and developing the skills to improve the sales process  A pivotal moment in Juli’s business and the lasting impact it made  Why having a learning and growth mentality is fundamental to selling  Establishing a follow-up proce