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88: Create, Grow and Sell with Sarah Stokes



Being a parent and working a full-time job can be difficult to balance. It’s common to feel as if you’re missing out on vital parts of your children’s lives. That’s how Sarah Stokes felt, which led her to take matters into her own hands. After taking a leap of faith and launching her own magazine, she was able to grow, sell her magazine and focus on growing her own agency. Sarah is an accomplished business woman who wants to share her passion for business and helping others with you. Tune into this episode of Double Your Sales with Ursula Mentjes to see how you can take a leap of faith and create the life you’ve always wanted.    Show Highlights:    How Sarah started her sales journey  Limiting beliefs that Sarah had to overcome  Leaving a comfortable career to pursue a personal business  Taking a leap of faith to create what you want for your family  How limiting beliefs shift after profits increase  Learning how to leverage yourself and your team  Being solid in the values you have to offer  Let