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86: Discover What is Holding You Back with Amanda Johnson



Finding what’s holding you back is possibly the single most important thing to discover and overcome. As a Personal Brand Strategist, Amanda Johnson helps individuals who aspire to exceed their goals as speakers, authors, and coaches pinpoint the message they want to share with the world. After spending years perfecting her own message through her expedition to find her own truth, Amanda’s decision to share that message and her writing with the world changed her life forever – and now she helps others do the same. For more on Amanda’s journey, finding healing in your own story, and how to start on the road to self-discovery, tune into this episode of Double Your Sales with Ursula Mentjes.    Show Highlights:    How Amanda started her current business  Practicing the law of attraction  The importance of healing our stories  Helping clients with their messenger matrix  Redirecting your emotions  How to know what the right thing to do is  The gift of a path  How to know if you’re a messenger  Being