Date Like A French Woman

Emilee Garfield - Movement is Medicine



I’m sure that there has been a challenge in your life that has made you question your ability to overcome it. You may even be in the trenches of that challenge right now. My guest today is here to show you that if you do the work, you can truly overcome anything. She herself, has had to battle two cancers, depression, and a divorce, but by asking herself the right questions she managed to grow. Now as a beautiful empowered woman, she helps other woman to do the same by guiding them through the difficulties both physically and mentally. More About Emilee Two-time stage 3 cancer survivor Emilee Garfield is the mother of three miracle babies, an author, and a movement educator. A Certified Live a New Life Story® and Wellness coach specializing in therapeutic Pilates and yoga, Emilee empowers women facing death, loss, divorce, heartbreak, cancer, or physical pain to live fearlessly on their own terms. Having battled cancer twice, Emilee believes that no matter how hard life can be, everyone has a comeback story t