Wigs & Wice

Lindsay Ruins Game of Thrones



There has never been a more appropriate episode title. Spoiler alert, and the only one you're going to get, Lindsay hated the Game of Thrones finale. She talks about it A LOT. In detail. It's like when your crazy aunt gets cut off in the Target parking lot and someone steals her spot, except, it's about Game of Thrones. So much.  Here are the actual time stamps in case you are someone who does not want the entire finale spoiled. 7:15-16:30, 38:40-42:15 We also talked about other crap, too. Aladdin, Constance Wu, Tony Robbins, DJ Khaled. All crap. But then we give you our three summertime favorites to kick your summer magic into high gear. It's Memorial Day, Wigs! Wice it up and thanks for listening!