Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.

Invest In Yourself Ep. 18



As I said in Episode 18 "There's Comfort in not Knowing", it's okay that you might not have everything figured out by the time you graduate High School or College. I mean, it's rare that we'll know what we truly want when we're 20+ years into our careers. But what I really wanted to focus on in this episode is putting all the chips in when you do find that "one" thing, that you truly feel may be your calling in life. Like I said before, that time won't be the same for everyone, but I really do believe that we will all find out our purpose. The important thing is that when we do, we take it seriously, and we do everything that we can to be our best at it. The only way we can do that, is by investing in ourselves, by taking our time, our energy, and sometimes even money, to propel our selves to our own individual greatness! Hopefully you all enjoy Ep. 19, and that this in some way, shape, or form has an impact on your life!