Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:39:54
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A voice that desires to fuel you with positive messages and reminders for every day life, and a Figure to be a positive influence and role model for the next generation to go out and Do Good for themselves!


  • Invest In Yourself Ep. 18

    22/04/2017 Duração: 28min

    As I said in Episode 18 "There's Comfort in not Knowing", it's okay that you might not have everything figured out by the time you graduate High School or College. I mean, it's rare that we'll know what we truly want when we're 20+ years into our careers. But what I really wanted to focus on in this episode is putting all the chips in when you do find that "one" thing, that you truly feel may be your calling in life. Like I said before, that time won't be the same for everyone, but I really do believe that we will all find out our purpose. The important thing is that when we do, we take it seriously, and we do everything that we can to be our best at it. The only way we can do that, is by investing in ourselves, by taking our time, our energy, and sometimes even money, to propel our selves to our own individual greatness! Hopefully you all enjoy Ep. 19, and that this in some way, shape, or form has an impact on your life!

  • There's Comfort In Not Knowing Ep. 17

    10/04/2017 Duração: 21min

    "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 Life is a journey full of highs and lows, we will not know what our true purpose in life is, until we fully commit to trusting the process. Try not to convince yourself of which path to choose, but rather let the path choose you. There may be times in your life, where you become your own worst enemy, becoming filled with doubt and regret. Those are the times in which you must remind yourself that the destination is worth more than the momentary suffering you may be enduring. You will become stronger, the path will become straighter, and the answer will become obvious. You are not alone on this journey, we all are facing it each and every day, so take comfort in knowing that everything will work out in the end!

  • You Should Go And Love Yourself Ep. 16

    02/03/2017 Duração: 14min

    This episode is straight fire, and truly comes from my belief in how we should view ourselves. Our Self-Image is the way we project ourselves to the world. So it's important that not only do we find happiness in our exterior image, but our interior image as well. You might be thinking, "what the hell is interior image?" It's very possible that I made this terminology up, I have no idea, but I explain exactly what I perceive it to be, and I truly believe it exists within all of us. - Loving your image and who you are as a person comes down to how you truly feel, your own self belief. - Nothing will truly change for you unless you have the drive and desire to do so for yourself. - Self-Image is a reflection of what you see and believe in yourself, not what other people see or tell you. - NO ONE knows you like you do. Please, let me know what you guys think of the podcast, the episodes, and leave me a review over on iTunes. Thank you all so much for listening!

  • Everyone Has a Story to Tell with Sarah Santora Ep. 15

    20/02/2017 Duração: 57min

    I've known Sarah since I was in grade school, and she's always been a very supportive and caring person to me as I grew up. But what I didn't see was that she was also a writer, a mother, a volunteer, and an important part of our community. She does all these things outside of the environment I was so familiar seeing her in. It's people and stories like hers that inspires me to do the things that I do. If there's one thing that I wish everyone walks away with from this episode is that, each and every person you walk by or come into contact with has a story, and you can learn something from them. Thank you all as always for listening, please share and leave the podcast a review!

  • Finding Your Three Hobbies Ep. 14

    13/02/2017 Duração: 17min

    Once I came across this quote, "Find Three Hobbies you Love: One to make you Money. One to keep you in Shape. One to keep you Creative." It really resonated with me, and I wanted to elaborate more on my thoughts about it. I truly feel that this mindset is something that could help channel our lives to be more focused and happier. With all the obstacles and curve balls we are thrown, having our three hobbies we know we can go back to or escape to, can bring ease to our lives. I encourage you guys, to really sit down and write out what you feel your three hobbies are, and if they aren't what you'd like to see, then maybe it's time for some change for the better! Please share, leave a review, and give some feedback. Thank you all for listening!

  • What Is Your Why? Ep. 13

    06/02/2017 Duração: 20min

    When I first heard this question, it seemed so basic, I didn't really know how to answer it. Then after much research, and listening to others, I began to understand it's deeper meaning and purpose. Knowing your "why", truly is the reason to continue moving forward, to continue along the path, even when things may seem at there worst. But knowing the strategies and the tools to help find your "why" will help clear up the confusion. I give a few strategies on how you can get a better idea at what your "why" might be. I can't highlight and make it clear for you, but when it hits you so hard emotionally, you'll know you have found it. Key takeaways: - Money won't always be the driver, it's only a temporary asset. - Material objects will come and go, but your deeper purpose should last a lifetime. - Not every passion will be your "why", but you have to do the research to come to that conclusion. - Once you find your "why", share your story, because that's what people want to hear, and it's what will help build yo