Enoughness With Lisa Wang

9. How to Focus on The Things That Matter with Ben Parr, Cofounder of Octane AI



It’s empathy. It’s humility. It’s fear. It’s part of being human. Today’s guest, Ben Parr, discusses all of the different reasons behind why we perceive people the way we do and just how those unconscious perceptions shape our society today. Ben is the founder of Octane AI and author of Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention, making Ben no stranger to the way people act, react, and interact. Since Ben has always had a heart for others, he created a system to make the lives of company owners just a bit easier. Octane AI allows business owners everywhere to automatically respond to their incoming social media messages with the help of a Chatbot. This helps keeps both businesses and their customers happy. At the end of the day, it all comes back to the people. How they feel-- what they think-- and how small positive experiences can add up to make a world of change. Some Questions I Ask: What did you dream of becoming as a little boy? (04:06) What’s your focus?  (13:39) Do you ever fee