Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Quick Tips: How Sexually Rejecting Your Spouse Affects Your Marriage



Does your spouse say, “You aren’t fulfilling me sexually.” Or, “If you really loved me, you would want to make love with me.”If so, you probably have a reason why you are refusing sex. Are you refusing sex because you aren’t interested in doing what they want to do sexually- or you aren’t interested in having it as often as they would like? Whatever the reason may be, if you want to make love, that is your right. And, if you don’t want to make love, that is also your right. However,If your spouse is truly, sexually unfulfilled, and you refuse to be a vital part of their sex life, this could be harmful to your marriage.In this Quick Tips Relationship Radio episode, Dr. Joe Beam provides 3 suggestions for how to best approach the situation.