Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Can THIS marriage be saved? The Workshop, & more, Marriage Helper Live 04/01/19



On today's live show, Dr. Joe Beam speaks with callers about the following questions: "My husband had an affair and says he's in love with the other woman. Does he have a "love addiction" or is it limerence?""Have you worked with couples who have dealt with abusive behavior? Especially if the abuser won't take responsibility for his actions?""My mother-in-law contacted me saying that my husband wants her to be my point of contact with him. Should I use this as an opportunity to minister to her- or should I keep my boundaries up?" "What Marriage Helper information do you recommend sharing with my attorney?""Is there a strategy to speaking with my wife about the Workshop?""How do I not fall back into old patterns/habits I had previously?""I get more anxious, emotional, and physical in bed the evening and it puts pressure on my wife. Would it be helpful for me to sleep in another bed at night to bring about positive communi