Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

A Limerent Spouse, Managing Expectations, & more! Marriage Helper Live 2/25/19



In this episode you'll hear Dr. Joe Beam respond to live callers from our Marriage Helper Live Broadcast.Featured on this episode:"My wife is in a limerent affair. She's getting the best of both worlds by seeing her partner and then seeing me at home. Will she continue this affair if she doesn't know what consequences may happen? Should I tell her what the consequences are?" "My husband has been in a 6 year affair. He's never filed for divorce. What is making the affair last so long? Are the PIES helping/hurting?" "My husband and I are starting the reconciliation process. What does it look like? He keeps pushing back and isn't engaged." "My husband moved back without any accountability in place (he had an affair before) was this the right thing to do?" "My wife loves, but isn't in love with me. I'm getting accused of trying to force a relationship, but she's sending mixed signals. Can you give me direction on what to do?"