Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Pregnant Affair Partner & Pornography Addiction, Marriage Helper Live 01/02/19



Live Caller Q&A With Dr. Joe Beam & Kimberly Holmes. In this podcast, Dr. Joe Beam & Kimberly Holmes address these topics:“Can my husband be in limerence if he doesn’t vilify me?”“I pushed my husband away thinking that he would show me more love because he would be afraid to lose me, and he left instead. How can I save my marriage?”“My husband and I have connected physically and intellectually since his affair, but he will not open up to me emotionally at all. I’ve been working on myself. I just don’t know what to do now.”“Is there any point coming to the workshop if my husband only agrees to come once the divorce is final?”“My husband got his affair partner pregnant. Now he wants to come back home and reconcile with me. In order for him to end the relationship with his AP, it is suggested to cut off all contact, but he cannot do that because of the baby. How do we handle that?”“How long am I supposed to allow my husband to have a relationship with his co-worker?”“My husband has been battling with