Just Ask Joey

Just Ask Joey Ep.52 - We Are Scared. The Media Told Us So.



Watch the news and tell me honestly they are not trying to scare the s*** out of us. Why? Because our lizard brain still reacts to fight or flight situations more than anything else. They know this, and try to exploit it through over-exaggerations, news creating hype. They use the right words, and the right images in the morning and the evening to keep us locked in, and tuned in, all day. I'm calling BS. Who's with me? Please find me on social media (below) for any follow up questions. I am here to help! You can also find this as a vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMNgK_ecm_SB665YWMNYuQg To submit questions, please connect with me on: Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustOneJoey1 Snapchat - JustOneJoey (or use the code in the video) Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/just_one_joey/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-reghitto-453508110 People submitting Q's will be anonymous (unless you want a shout out on the video. Please specify when submitting Q). Joey Reghitto is the author of Priso