Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 334 - 4 Tips To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat



Gaining muscle can be HARD. There are also those of us that tend to struggle more than others.And it only gets harder as we get older because we can become anabolic resistant and we don’t utilize protein as efficiently or effectively (just another reason increasing our protein and tracking our macros is key!). That’s why I want to share 4 tips to help you dial in your diet and your training to get the best results as fast as possible.Now note, I didn’t say rush results, because gaining muscle, especially if you don’t want to gain a ton of fat, is a slow process.Because both our diet and our workouts need to work together. While we may be able to lose weight without training, training is KEY to drive muscle hypertrophy.So here are 4 tips to help you dial in your routine to get those muscle gains!